Building a Business in a Lockdown

3 weeks on from my last post and a lot has been happening, but unfortunately the BBQ has now been put away for the winter.

Like many across the country my hometown is back in lockdown, we have one child starting nursery and another at home with us due to her school being closed for two weeks – There is certainly no “normal” at the moment.

That said, it has been great spending time with the family and working on the new Business at the same time. It has been a good insight into how things are likely to be moving forward and creating a balanced home and work life is certainly one of my key motivators.

The well wishes I have received from friends, colleagues, customers, and others within my network have been humbling and I am grateful for how supportive my former employer, Macquarie have been throughout.

Starting a Business means I am learning plenty of new things every day and it is exciting to be challenging myself in other areas. Here are a couple of things that have been pleasing to learn so far:

  1. People (even those you do not know that well) are extremely generous with their time and ideas and that is going to be invaluable for me as a new business owner.
  2. Despite not being able to meet face to face, I am finding most things are easily accessible using technology. The conversations I am having with prospective clients, suppliers and advisors are happening virtually and if anything, I am finding we are getting to outcomes a lot quicker.

Don’t get me wrong, I cannot wait to start meeting up with people again but its certainly helping me think about how I want to run my Business in an efficient way.

We are making good progress and are hopeful of an official launch sometime in November. The new home office is arriving tomorrow, so I guess I will be learning how to do some DIY as well !!!

Stay safe,


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